November 16, 2015

You ARE NOT an Ugly Person

“You are not an ugly person all the time; you are not an ugly person ordinarily; you are not an ugly person day to day. From day to day, you are a nice person. From day to day, all the people who are supposed to love you on the whole do. From day to day, as you walk down a busy street in the large and modern and prosperous city in which you work and lie, dismayed and puzzled at how alone you can feel in this crowd, how awful it is to go unnoticed, how awful it is to go unloved, even as you are surrounded by more people than you could possibly get to know in a lifetime that lasted for millennia and then out of the corner of your eye you see someone looking at you and absolute pleasure is written all over the person's face, and then you realize that you are not as revolting a presence as you think you are. And so, ordinarily, you are a nice person, an attractive person, a person capable of drawing to yourself the affection of other people, a person at home in your own skin: a person at home in your own house, with its nice backyard, at home on your street, your church, in community activities, your job, at home with your family, your relatives, your friends - you are a whole person.” (Kincaid, Page 14 - A Small Place) 

Nowadays, with all the advances in technology and all the misguided conceptions we have about ourselves and the rest of the world thanks to social media we get so caught up in all that drama. We start rating ourselves and those around us based on trivial things like how many likes this that post, status or photo got; how many comments a photo we posted reach online. We categorize people's beautifulness by how many interactions they get on all this social platforms. How popular they are online is how "popular" they are in real life. Which is a wrong conception. We get to feel alone in a fake world where everyone is connected by no one is connecting. To not get a notification online is to believe that you have nobody cares about you. To receive not one single text or call in one day means that everybody dislikes you. Because of how cybernetics has influenced us lately we surround our life  on untruthfulness.


  1. By this we tend to get lost in a digital world in which the affection given to us by human interaction will eventually be lost if the this attraction grows stronger.

  2. This is so true. I think that people care to much about what people think about them and if they don't see a lot of notification they think that they are forgiven but people, and by people I mean all of us, need to start thinking other way and don't care about what people think.
