What a journey it has been. I have always wanted to experience the other side of the blogger life. Now, I kind of now how they go. Always writing, always experimenting new things for a great posts, always on the edge of what's trending. Specially nowadays with social media being so active. For a person to like blogging you have to love writing. They go together like night and day. If not, it's going to consume you very slowly because you have to invest lots of time on it. Its basically talking to people. They read what you wrote like some sort of review or experience. This way, your blog followers can learn or even get encouraged to do something. It all depends on what type of blog you own and the style is very important too. It's not an easy task, honestly. The more people that follows you the more reach you have. So, more things you have to write about and on a more constantly basis.
For me, this assignment was something I looked forward to from the beginning. I wanted to see how well or bad I could do. How the process of maintaining a blog will change me to love it or hate it. I am not the writer type of person so it immediately became a challenge. I am more of a content creator. But I do love going places and writing about how my experience went. Nonetheless, I tried to make the best of out it. I own some blog posts that are good and some not so good - in my opinion. I guess that's because of the interest I placed on that particular post. Maybe it was because I liked some readings or exercises and some I didn't. The ones that I liked are well written, they have more of my style of writing, more pictures, videos and analogues, they are more alive in a weird way. In contrast with the ones I did because I had to. They are, of course, well written and all, but I don't see myself in those posts.

I discovered that my style is very informal, very casual. Not in a bad way, but its like if I were speaking to a friend about something. Also, with the advances in technology and everything and everyone now connecting via internet I don't see the "don'ts" in not having a blog. Specially if one is involved in any sort of way with people. No matter the area. When people are interest in what you do they tend to want always more. So connecting with fans or followers with a blog is something really useful and satisfying. It makes you more real. And they get to see the most recent things you are up to. Oh yeah! It is a must. Now, for me, I will keep one. I love owning a blog. Its cool and lots of fun, of course, you are doing it because you want to, and love to share experiences and knowledge with the world.